Now unless you actualy have a constructive answer to the question, don't post this bullshit on people's threads just so you can feel high and mighty behind your computer. Just because you create something, it doesn't give you any right to tell strangers how to use it. Nobody has right to tell you how to do things, so how about you take a look at your own hypocritical point. Ground pound the area perpendicular to the snail and the pipe (lower right of the room) to retrieve the hiding Power Moon. Go west from the Odyssey and enter the protruding pipe. Things aren't "meant to be done" one way or another, that is down to your own preference, regardless of how a complete stranger wants you to do it. This video shows how to access the Mushroom Kingdom Power Moon 38: Rumble in Crumbleden - Rematch. The A Rumble on the Seaside Floor Power Moon can be located on Quadrant E3. You can turn rumble off, why can you still not get the shine if there is an in game option to disable it?

I was genuinely asking a question if you can actually read. You pay money for software, its called customer feedback, not to mention how much simpler it is to program it to a button over motion, they went out of their way to do it the other way round.

Nobody is going "out of their way" to program a command to a button as opposed to motion. Sand Kingdom Power Moon 52 - A Rumble from the Sandy Floor Tostarena Ruins Entrance As you enter the ruins and hit the checkpoint, you’ll have to deal with more Yellow Goombas (if you haven’t.